Saturday 29 March 2014

La Confitería

La Confitería (sweet shop) in our plaza has a lot more than just sweets, as you can see...

There are 18 things on the list. Can you guess what some of them are without looking at the pictures? Why not make it a competition? (Decide whether or not you're going to use dictionaries.)

Maybe your teacher will give a prize for the group which gets the most?? I'd suggest that most Spanish of all sweets... some Chupa-Chups! And don't go all British on me by pronouncing Chupa to rhyme with 'cuppa'. Haven't you seen the 'Bum, bum Madrid' post? Say, 'Choopa-choops!'  

¡Disfruta! (Enjoy!)

P.S. As a tie-breaker question, why do you think Chupa Chups are so called? (A clue? Use your dictionary.)

The answers to the quiz are below... no peeking!

Las respuestas:

PRENSA is newspapers.
REVISTAS magazines.
CHUCHERIAS sweets, but also trinkets, knick-knacks, junk.
PETARDOS bangers, usually only on sale during Las Fallas, or other regional (noisy) fiestas.
TABACO Correct!
ARTÍCULOS DE REGALO Presents or gifts.
CUMPLEAÑOS  Birthdays.
BAUTIZOS Baptisms.
COMUNIONES Communions.
BODAS Weddings.
HIELO Ice (pronounced 'yellow'.)
HELADOS Ice-creams.
JUEGOS ONCE Lottery tickets from the charity for blind and partially sighted people, ONCE (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles)  (Pronounced on-thay)- For an extended blog-post on ONCE, see ONCE BLOG

And finally, why Chupa-Chups? Well, did you find the Spanish verb Chupar in your dictionary?

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